O Vaticano e Homer Simpson: é verdade!!!!!!

VATICAN CITY - The Vatican newspaper has declared that Homer Simpson is part of the pope's flock — a claim that leaves "The Simpsons" TV producer baffled. "Few people know it and he does everything to hide it but it is true: Homer J. Simpson is Catholic ," L'Osservatore Romano wrote in its weekend edition under the headline: "Homer and Bart are Catholic." (...) But the show's producer told Entertainment Weekly the Vatican may have gone a step too far in its analysis of the satire, noting that Homer and Bart only consider converting in the 2005 episode. "My first reaction is shock and awe, and I guess it makes up for me not going to church for 20 years," EW.com quoted executive producer Al Jean as saying. Jean noted that the Simpson family attends the First Church of Springfield "which is decidedly Presbylutheran." " We've pretty clearly shown that Homer is not Catholic ," he told the entertainment website....